Fasting and drinking only vegetable and fruit juices,

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Fasting and drinking only vegetable and fruit juices, is it really effective in detoxifying and helping you lose weight?

It is believed that fasting and drinking only fruit and vegetable juices is an effective way to flush out toxins from the body and help you lose weight. For this reason, the trend of drinking only fruit and vegetable juices to lose weight and detox has become very popular. So, does

fasting and drinking only fruit and vegetable juices really help you detox and lose weight?

Detoxing with fruit and vegetable juices, or Juice cleansing, means drinking only fruit and vegetable juices and plain water instead of regular meals for a period of time, such as 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, or 7 days, etc.

Fasting and drinking only vegetable and fruit juices comes from 2 misconceptions:

1. The misconception that the human digestive system should rest and must stop digesting solid food.
2. The misconception that nutrients in liquids can be absorbed more easily than in solid food.

Both of these misconceptions have no scientific evidence to support them. If the body does not have a damaged digestive system that cannot digest normal food, then there is no need to eat liquids. As for toxins, the

human body already has a mechanism to deal with them: the kidneys and liver will excrete toxins to be eliminated with the excretion of waste from the body. Some toxins may remain in the bones or tissues and take time to gradually eliminate them.

However, there is no support that drinking vegetable and fruit juices or liquids will increase the speed of detoxification.

Fasting and drinking only fruit juices does not always guarantee weight loss if the vegetable and fruit juices are low in calories. Weight loss may be possible if the juice is flavored with sugar, but weight gain may occur. Weight gain or loss depends on the amount of calories consumed. The issue is not whether it is solid or liquid. Drinking only vegetable and fruit juices will not provide the nutrients found in the skin and flesh of the fruit.

In addition, you will feel hungrier more often because you are not consuming any dietary fiber.

Fact 1 Our body does not need to expel toxins or detox because the body already has an organ for expelling toxins, which is the liver. And there is no research that has found that drinking only vegetable and fruit juices will help expel any toxins that remain in the body.

Fact 2 Drinking only vegetable and fruit juices instead of rice is not a good way to lose weight. It is true that after the program ends, the weight on the scale may decrease because drinking only vegetable and fruit juices continuously limits the calories from โปรโมชั่น ufabet the food taken in. Therefore, the weight may decrease. But what is lost muscle mass. And of course, when going back to eating the same way again, the weight will yo-yo back. And many times, it will be more fat and easier than before. Because the muscle mass reduced.

Fact 3 Detoxifying with vegetable and fruit juices detoxifying does not help improve health. Nutrients that are good for health in vegetables and fruits are vitamins, various antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Vitamins and antioxidants can fully obtained by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. However, if fruits and vegetables squeez and left for several hours (or several days), the beneficial nutrients will greatly reduce. Importantly, fruit juice does not contain dietary fiber, which is food for good bacteria in the large intestine and is very useful for aiding bowel movements. 

Fact 4 : Detoxing with fruit and vegetable juice detoxifying not accept in the medical world worldwide. Because doctors, nutritionists, and various food experts do not support detoxing with fruit and vegetable juice (except for people who benefit from selling these products).